GHG Management

CO2, the most prominent greenhouse gas, lingers in the atmosphere for over a hundred years. How long, approximately, does the second most prominent GHG, methane, stay in the atmosphere?


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Correct Answer
12 years

And here's something for you to take back

Methane has a global warming potential (per Kg) that is 30 times as high as that of CO2, but it lives in the atmosphere for only a fraction of the time that CO2 does. While methane's lifetime is about 12 years, CO2 can exist for hundreds of years.

Sounds like methane doesn't trouble us for too long, doesn't it? 

Well, this fact doesnt't actually make methane any less harmful because after about a decade, the methane reacts with ozone to form carbon dioxide and water.

Hello! The disappearance of a methane molecule could mean the birth of a CO2 molecule - one that will linger on for centuries! 

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