GHG Management

The city of New York recently approved an ambitious climate action plan that aims to get the city to Net Zero by 2050. One of the targets is to have 1 to 2 million homes installed with this low carbon technology by 2030. What?


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Correct Answer
Heat pumps

And here's something for you to take back

Heat pumps have seen a significant uptick in interest in the past few years across North America and Europe.

New York is not the only city keen on accelerating heat pump adoption. As this report says, one could expect well voer 12 million new heat pumps to be deployed across American cities between 2022 and 2023.

Given that heat pumps sport much higher efficiencies than conventional heating, and also that they can be used as air conditioners, it should be no surprise if many other cities globally start having such heat pump ambitions.

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