Low Carbon Mobility

What sort of vehicles does the company Hyzon Motors specialize in?


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Correct Answer
Fuel cell powered commercial vehicles

And here's something for you to take back

Electrification of heavy commercial vehicles - especially trucks - can play a significant role in road transport decarbonization as these vehicles contribute a large share of transport emissions. But electrification of this sector using batteries as the storage medium could be challenging given the enormous amount (and weight) of batteries that will be needed.

This is the sector where fuel cells - powered by green hydrogen - could play a scaled, significant role as hydrogen has a much higher (mass-based) energy density compared to those for batteries. In fact, the energy density per Kg of hydrogen is three times that of gasoline, whose energy density itself is about 40 times that for Li-ion batteries.

(Note however that the volumetric density of hydrogen is much lower, and this is the reason why hydrogen needs to be used in a compressed form in vehicles)