Waste Management

In steel production, by what percentage can CO2 emissions reduced (CO2 per Kg of steel produced) by using steel scrap instead of virgin iron ore as the starting material?


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Correct Answer
Up to 75%

And here's something for you to take back

Steel industry is one of the two largest emitters of CO2, contributing about 8% of all global CO2 emissions - that's really a lot (The cement sector also contributes almost that much). 

While estimates vary depending on the steel producing company and the processes used, analyses based on case studies and estimates from diverse steel making companies show that CO2 emissions reduction is possible to the extent of 75% in certain cases by using steel scrap instead of iron ore for steel making.

Countries such as China have already started using steel scrap as the raw material in a big way but a lot more potential exists for its use.

Here's an interesting news report on this from World Economic Forum.